Penn's Prairie

A community resource where people of all abilities can pursue individual and group leisure activities

NOTICE: Park roads will not be maintained during the winter. Use at your own risk and expense.

Penn's Prairie is a multi-purpose park integrating recreation, wildlife conservation, and historical prairie restoration and preservation. The vision for the park involves restoring native plant and grass species that were present when Colonel Potter first set eyes on this valley. It is a park built for the Penn's Valley area.

The Park Board believes dedicating half of the land for this initiative will result in plant and wildlife restoration, conservation and a cultural rejuvenation and interest in our valley's natural history. The other half of the park will be dedicated to a community resource where people of all abilities can pursue individual and group activities.

The multi-use athletic fields are utilized by local youth football and soccer programs. The 18-hole disc golf course is used by all ages and hosts several tournaments a year. Centre County Disc Golf Association holds regular league rounds here, as well as at other local courses. Boy Scout Troop 20 Eagle Scout projects have included an addition to the bike skills course completed fall 2022. a fire pit, and a pavilion at the disc golf course.

Phase II construction has started with a pavilion, nature play area, traditional playground, trails and additional parking. Expected completion is late Winter 2024.

Additional amenities will be added as funding becomes available.

Become a financial friend of Penn’s Prairie or create a memorial to a friend or loved one. Become a friend
History imageHistory image
In 1770, the William Scull Map of Pennsylvania included the 'Great Plains' label for the Penns Valley region. Fast forward to present day, and this parkland property is located in the center of the plains area.

In 2007, Gregg Township, Potter Township and Centre Hall Borough formed a municipal arrangement and purchased land from Penn State University with the help of a DCNR grant. The purchase agreement stipulated that the municipalities were to use/develop this land for citizens as a multi-municipal park known as Tri-Municipal Park. This park would be a recreational opportunity for the Penns Valley Region, including the school district. The purchase of this land was consistent with recommendations of the Centre County Comprehensive Plan, the Penns Valley Regional Comprehensive Plan, the Upper Penns Creek Watershed Assessment, the Spring Creek Rivers Conservation Plan and the Centre County Natural Heritage Inventory.

The Tri-Municipal Park, Inc. was established as a non-profit organization in 2018 to oversee and direct the park finances, function and long-term plans. A competitive bid was won by Ameron Construction to begin work on the new 165-acre park in Centre Hall, PA, and a groundbreaking ceremony was held on August 11th. Funding was secured through DCNR and PennVest for the first phase of the park, which included two full size multi-purpose athletic fields, a one-mile walking trail, and two parking areas. Additionally, an 18-hole disc golf course was built in another section of the park.

Gregg Township withdrew from the park partnership and its ownership share in 2022. The park is now owned solely by Potter Township and Centre Hall Borough.

Up next, we have Phase II construction set to be done late Fall of 2024. 
Become a friend image
The Penn’s Prairie is relying on the generosity of private donors. If you would like to make a charitable tax-deductible contribution by check, please make the check payable to “Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc) ”. Please mail the check along with the form below to the following address: Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc) , 134 N. Hoffer Avenue, PO Box 54, Centre Hall, PA 16828-0054.
Gift Response Form

Memorial Options
You may commemorate a loved one or express your support of the park by sponsoring a tree or a bench.

Here is a way to honor a family member in a very special way. A beautiful park bench with your loved one's name can be purchased and placed at Penn’s Prairie. The bench will remain on park grounds until it becomes unsafe or aesthetically unacceptable. The cost of a commemorative bench is $1500. A personalized plaque will be created for your dedication. All commemorative plaques consists of one or two commemorative headings and honoree text. The Park staff will work with you to select your bench location and plaque language.
Memorial bench form

The Memorial Tree Program offers participants a unique way to honor a loved one or remember a special event by donating a tree to Penn’s Prairie. The Penn’s Prairie staff will plant a tree in the park and attach a tree tag with the type of tree, the name of the donator(s) and the name of the honored person, pet, or event. Program participants receive a commemorative certificate and a map identifying the specific location of their donated memorial tree. Trees can grow for several hundred years making them an enduring, living memorial or tribute for a loved one or a wonderful way to honor someone for their birthday, marriage, anniversary, or any special occasion. The cost of a commemorative tree is $700 for a 2" caliper tree and $800 for a 2 ½" caliper tree. The trees will be professionally planted in the fall to provide the best start for the young tree. Care and maintenance will be provided by Penn’s Prairie, and the tree will be guaranteed for one year.
Memorial Tree Program

Volunteers (both individual and group) and donors interested in donating time, knowledge and/or money to implement enhancement to the park should contact the park board at Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc), 134 N. Hoffer Avenue, PO Box 54, Centre Hall, PA 16828-0054. (814)880-3547.

Small projects are available for individuals and groups. Become a friend
  • educational projects
    • small flower bed projects, planting and maintenance
    • pollinator gardens, planting and maintenance
    • Purple martin homes (guide available)
    • bluebird boxes (guide available)
  • larger pollinator garden
  • picnic tables
  • Opportunities for scouts to share and implement their ideas
Contact us
If you drive to the end of the main park road, you will arrive at our 18-hole disc golf course. The front nine of Penn's Prairie DGC was installed nearly ten years ago. This half of the course is more beginner friendly, with par 3s ranging from 150-330 feet and Hole 8 as a 515-ft par 4. The back nine was installed in Fall 2018 with assistance from the Centre County Disc Golf Association (CCDGA). This side of the course is nearly double the length of the front nine, making it more suitable to those who throw farther. If you are new to the sport or don't like throwing as far, consider playing the front nine twice instead of the full 18.

Overall, the course is mostly open. Elevation change, wind and a few tree lines provide a small variety of challenges. Members of CCDGA are hoping to start planting trees around the course in 2024. Plans are in place to make improvements to tee areas, add signage and other general beautification projects.

CCDGA is the local disc golf club and hosts various events at five courses across Centre County. Tri-Municipal Park, Inc. works closely with CCDGA to keep the course maintained and ready for the next league round or tournament. For more information on getting involved, event schedules and much more, please use the following links:
CCDGA Facebook (social)
CCDGA Discord (social plus group chats)
Disc Golf Scene (member registration plus event schedule/registration)
UDisc League (league schedule, scores and related info)

The UDisc app is a free download that allows players to find courses, keep scores and stats, find events and more!

gift response form image
Gift Response Form
Penn’s Prairie 
Penn’s Prairie is relying on the generosity of private donors. If you would like to make a charitable contribution by check, please make the check payable to “Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc)”.  Please mail the check along with this form to the address at the bottom of the page.
Enclosed is my gift of
_____ $25
_____$ Other
Name ________________________________________________________________________
State ____________________Zip Code______________ Telephone number________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
SEND COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc), 134 N Hoffer Avenue, PO Box 54, Centre Hall, PA 16828-0054
Printable form
Become a friend
memorial tree program image
The Memorial Tree Program
Penn’s Prairie
 “Perhaps nature is our best assurance of immortality.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Donor Information‐
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________City___________________________
State ____________________Zip Code______________ Telephone number________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
The following information will appear on your certificate and tree tag. Please print legibly. This tree is being planted in recognition of _________________________________________
Choose the Wording for Engraving and Clipart
***Please specify below where you would like the certificate and location map mailed. The address you list below is where this information will be mailed after the tree is planted.
*** _________ Check here if same as DONATOR INFORMATION.
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip: _________p
The cost of a commemorative tree is $700 for a 2” caliper tree and $800 for a 2 ½” caliper tree. Engraving add $150. Care and maintenance will be provided by Penn’s Prairie, and the tree will be guaranteed for one year
SEND COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO: Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc), 134 Hoffer Avenue, PO Box 54, Centre Hall, PA 16828-0054
Printable form
Become a friend​​​
Memorial Bench FORM image
Memorial Bench Donation Form
Bench application must be submitted together with full payment to “Penn’s Prairie at Tri-municipal Park, Inc. (TMP Inc)” located at 134 N. Hoffer Avenue, PO Box 54, Centre Hall, PA 16828-0054 Once the application is reviewed and accepted, an order will be submitted.  Engraving proof must be approved by the donor before the order is finalized. 
Donor Information
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________City___________________________
State ____________________Zip Code______________ Telephone number________________
Email Address __________________________________________________________________
Bench Information
This bench is being donated in recognition of _________________________________________
Choose the Wording for Engraving and Clipart

Overall cost: Includes the purchase of one 6-foot memorial bench, shipping, installation and upkeep in agreed upon location for a period of 5 years for $1500.
Engraving add $150
Donor signature __________________________________ Date ___________________
Park and Recreation Use Only----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date received __________ Payment amount _______ Board Signature ______________

Printable form
Become a friend
  • Penn's Prairie, 2400 Upper Brush Valley Road, Centre Hall, PA, USA

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation

Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund

Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority

Gift Response Form

Memorial Bench Donation Form

Memorial Tree Program